
Launch Supplies

We provide everything you need to operate Happy Returns. When you first onboard, you’ll receive supplies in three shipments.


Shipment 1: iPad* and Signage

  • iPad with iPad Charger* (1)

  • Window Decal** (1)

  • Desk Sign** (1)

*Not all Return Bar partners use iPads. Please refer to your communication from your corporate team or contact us if you believe that you were supposed to receive an iPad but did not.

**The type of signage will vary by the partner; please refer to your communication from your corporate team.

Shipment 2: QR Poly Bags

  • 12 x 18 QR Polybags (200)

  • 24 x 24 QR Polybags (300)

Shipment 3: Reusable Totes

  • Reusable Shipping Tote

  • Zip Ties


Supply replenishment after launch

Our team tracks your reusable tote and QR polybag usage and uses this information to automate shipments. We’ll send you more supplies once you are getting low.

Supply Replenishment Emails

We’ll email you when your supplies are shipped and delivered. This email we will specify the supply type, the status, and the tracking number. The email is sent from

Example of email subject line:

  • “Shipped: Happy Returns Resupply Order 14698”

  • “Delivered: Happy Returns Resupply Order 18154”

Sample email


Clicking “Track Your Supplies” will take you to the tracking status page.


Supply FAQs

  1. How do I contact Happy Returns?

    You can reach us by phone during US business hours at 877-750-4888 or via email at

  2. What do I do if I’m missing an item before launch?

    Contact us, and we’ll investigate the delivery. If necessary, we will place a replacement order.

  3. I’m missing zip ties with my tote order; what do I do?

    Please remove the totes inside and check the bottom of the shipment. If they aren’t there, please contact Return Bar support, and we will ship a replacement order.

  4. I don’t have many totes left and haven’t received an email regarding my new order, what do I do?

    First, check your email inbox and spam folder. If you don’t have any emails from Happy Returns regarding your new order, please call us at 877-750-4888. Please be prepared with the number of filled and unfilled totes. This will improve inventory accuracy in our system.

  5. I only have one pack of QR code poly bags, what do I do?

    First, check your email in case you missed the emails. If you don’t have any emails from Happy Returns regarding your new order, please call us at 877-750-4888. Please be prepared with how many packs of poly bags you currently have in stock. This will improve inventory accuracy in our system.

  6. A tote arrived damaged and is unusable, what do I do?

    If the tote is damaged and doesn’t allow returns to be shipped safely, please call Return Bar support to remove it from your inventory. After, please dispose of the tote.

  7. My polybags arrived without QR codes, how do I get more?

    Call Return Bar support and explain that the bags don’t have QR codes. We will place a replacement order for you.

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